ACSRcable manufacturing process
1. Introductions:
ACSRconductors are widely used for electrical power transmission over longdistances, since they are ideal for long overhead lines spans. They are alsoused as a messenger for supporting overhead electrical cables. ACSR conductors areformed by several wires of aluminum and galvanized steel, stranded inconcentric layers. The wire or wires which form the core, are made ofgalvanized steel and the external layer or layers, are of aluminum. Galvanizedsteel core consist normally of 1, 7 or 19 wires. The diameters of steel andaluminum wires can be the same, or different.

1. MachinePictures: 5.1 Tubular strander: it can use for steelwire, copper,aluminum etc. max 700rpm. Min production capacity is 9000-80000km/8hours

5.2 Rigidstrander: it can use forcopper, aluminum etc. max 220rpm. Min production capacity is around 50000-90000km/8hours.
Max Xu- China wire and cable making machine expert
Whatsapp: +8618606615951